SVU: Jennifer Love Hewitt gets a rape kit

SVU S12 E3 Behave

“There’s got to be an easier way to do 21 & Me.”

A woman says she's been raped by the same man multiple times over two decades. When SVU can't make the identification stick, the squad stalks the suspect. Benson thinks he has other victims and she flies across the country only to find a huge backlog of untested rape kits.

We're talking about the unforgettable SVU season 12 episode 3 "Behave." Our guest is Brittni Liyanage from the D20 Dames podcast. 

This episode is inspired by the ripped from the headlines story of Helena Lazaro.

L&O: Lupo sleeps with a murder suspect and Van Buren gets cancer

L&O S20 E5 “Just a Girl in the World”

“Wait. You’re saying the cop behind me was humping the suspect when he came across a nightie connected to the murder? Your honor, I’m going to need a minute to bang my head against a wall.”

“Wait. You’re saying the cop behind me was humping the suspect when he came across a nightie connected to the murder? Your honor, I’m going to need a minute to bang my head against a wall.”

The murder of a crime tech and a thwarted attack have Lupo and Bernard looking for a man targeting Asian women. Lupo breaks the rules by sleeping with the witness, but when he discovers a key piece of evidence in her apartment he realizes she's a suspect.

Meantime, Van Buren learns her stage II cervical cancer was caused by an HPV infection from her ex-husband (that son of a bitch!).

We're talking about Law & Order season 20 episode 2 "Just a Girl in the World." Our returning guest is Lani Diane Rich from Chipperish Media.

This episode is inspired by the case of Kari Ferrell, the so-called "hipster grifter."

SVU: Beware the Glasgowman!

SVU S16 E6 “Glasgowman’s Wrath”

“Let’s touch pinkies in a really creepy way which signals our long con criminal spree was successful. Because if we do that in front of Carisi it’s going to blow his fucking mind.”

“Let’s touch pinkies in a really creepy way which signals our long con criminal spree was successful. Because if we do that in front of Carisi it’s going to blow his fucking mind.”

Three girls went to the park to find the mythical Glasgowman. Only one returned...Now SVU is looking for the missing tweens and the mysterious figure who stabbed the younger sister. Is the suspect really a supernatural predator? (We pinkie swear!)

We're talking about SVU season 16 episode 6 "Glasgowman's Wrath." Our guest is Ronald Young Jr from the Solvable podcast.

This episode is inspired by the Slenderman stabbing case.

SVU: The women in this sex cult get branded

SVU S20 E5 “Accredo”

“Did it hurt? I had a hot brand seared into my skin. What the hell do you think?”

“Did it hurt? I had a hot brand seared into my skin. What the hell do you think?”

A murder victim may have been trying to leave a woman's empowerment group run by a charismatic man. "Accredo" offers expensive classes, blackmail photos, branded symbols, and sex with the leader. Can hot-mess Amanda Rollins convince the women to stand on their own and tell the truth?

We're talking about SVU season 20 episode 5 "Accredo." Our special guest is Erika Villalba from the "That Aged Well" podcast.

This episode is inspired by the case of the NXIVM cult. 

L&O: A psychotic man defends himself in court...and it's heartbreaking

Law & Order S6 E21 “Pro se”

“You think I’m crazy? Did you know my sister is Aunt Lydia from ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ for Christ’s sake.”

“You think I’m crazy? Did you know my sister is Aunt Lydia from ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ for Christ’s sake.”

A triple murder leads Briscoe and Curtis to a psychotic homeless man (Denis O'Hare). Claire is feeling the heat from Schiff for letting James Smith off with a fine in an earlier case. Jack finds that Smith is a legal wiz when back on his medication. It takes the testimony of his sister (Ann Dowd) to finally break his spirit.

We're talking about one of the most acclaimed episodes of Law & Order, season 6 episode 21 "Pro Se." Our special guest is writer and blogger Charlie Pierce.

This episode takes cues from the real life story of David Riggins.

Click here to read Charlie's article on L&O's 25th anniversary.  

SVU: The teens make a pregnancy pact!

SVU S10 E6 “Babes”

“This high school as both a chastity club AND a group of girls who got pregnant together so they can all be MILFs? The student council needs to expand its horizons.”

“This high school as both a chastity club AND a group of girls who got pregnant together so they can all be MILFs? The student council needs to expand its horizons.”

The immolation and castration of a homeless man leads Stabler and Munch to a Catholic high school. A student says the death was revenge for the rape of his sister. But Benson learns the girl initiated the sex because she and her friends made a pact to all get pregnant together.

We're popping out SVU season 10 episode 6 "Babes." (Speaking of procreation) our special guest is Rebecca's son, Henry Lavoie.

This episode is inspired by the so-called pregnancy pact at Gloucester High School. 

SVU: Ballerina sex trafficking ring!

SVU S21 E17 “Dance, Lies and Videotape”

“You’re going undercover as a high roller who’s going to spend $100,000 to have sex with a ballerina? Makes me wanna get a tutu.”

“You’re going undercover as a high roller who’s going to spend $100,000 to have sex with a ballerina? Makes me wanna get a tutu.”

Someone is secretly videotaping ballerinas having sex. SVU then discovers the dancers are being blackmailed into getting prime roles if they sleep with the highest bidder at the gala auction. Cue the undercover sting!

We're talking about SVU season 21 episode 17 "Dance, Lies and Videotape." Our guest is June Thomas from Slate's Working podcast. 

This episode is inspired by the controversary around the New York City Ballet.

L&O: It's a Columbian cartel bloodbath and Cerreta gets shot

Law & Order S3 E8 “Prince of Darkness”

“Tell Dick Wolf this show will be nothing without me.”

“Tell Dick Wolf this show will be nothing without me.”

After the brazen murder of a travel agent, Mike Logan and Phil Cerreta are on the hunt for a Columbian hit man who's "sending a message." During the investigation, Cerreta is shot in an undercover sting gone wrong by a twitchy illegal gun dealer. By the end of the episode, virtually everyone is dead: the wife, the grandmother, the daughter, the gun dealer, the business partner, and even the hit man. 

We're talking about one of the great all-time episodes of Law & Order, season 3 episode 8 "Prince of Darkness." Our guest is Brady Carlson from the "Cool Weird Awesome" podcast.

This episode takes cues from the real life story of Jhon Jairo Velasquez. 

SVU: He kept her in a sex bunker. She cut off his penis.

SVU s5 e9 “Control”

“Sorry I didn’t believe you that you were kept in a sex dungeon. I promise, it’ll never happen again.”

“Sorry I didn’t believe you that you were kept in a sex dungeon. I promise, it’ll never happen again.”

A man in the subway gets his twig and berries cut off. The detectives learn he had been keeping women chained in a sex dungeon. One of the former captives reported the abduction years earlier, but Olivia didn't believe her story. When the kidnapper ends up dead, Stabler wonders if Benson is hiding something.

We're talking about SVU season 5 episode 9 "Control." Our pinch hitting guest is Lily Flynn from the These Are Their Stories podcast.

This episode takes cues from the real life case of John Jamelske.

SVU: The judge was running his own brothel!

SVU S20 E15 “Brothel”

Can partners from twenty years ago come together for true love? I’d be nice to find out.

Can partners from twenty years ago come together for true love? I’d be nice to find out.

The detectives' raids on pop-up brothels keep getting foiled because the judge who runs the operation is tipping them off. Meantime, Fin hopes to make a love connection with his old partner, Phoebe Baker.

Plus: a bonus discussion about the season finales of Law & Order: SVU and Law & Order: Organized Crime.

We're talking about SVU season 20 episode 15 Brothel. Our guest is Melanie Joy from the Ewing Barbecue podcast.

This episode takes cues from the real-life story of former judge Tim Nolan. 

CI series finale! Did James Van Der Beek murder the Winklevoss twins?

Criminal Intent S10 E8 “To The Boy In The Blue Knit Cap”

“Do you think you could make that crying face like when Dawson told Joey to be with Pacey?”

“Do you think you could make that crying face like when Dawson told Joey to be with Pacey?”

The victims are the rich twins suing a woman for stealing their social network idea and making millions. Is it her, her hipster boyfriend, or the coke-snorting former pornographer (played by James Van Der Beek). Meantime, Goren learns if he will keep his job after completing mandatory therapy. 

This is how it ends. We're talking about the series finale of Criminal Intent, season 10 episode 8 "To The Boy In The Blue Knit Cap." Our guest is Juwan Holmes from LGBTQ Nation.

This story is inspired by the lawsuit between Mark Zuckerberg and the Winklevoss twins. 

SVU: The politician was sending pics of his junk

SVU S15 E6 “October Surprise”

“OMG! It’s the first penis I’ve seen in all my years of SVU!”

“OMG! It’s the first penis I’ve seen in all my years of SVU!”

Mayoral candidate Alex Muñoz asks Barba to intervene in a case involving their childhood buddy, but Amaro suspects the politician actually is being extorted for trading nude photos with women. Barba refuses to believe his oldest friend would send dick pics...until Muñoz falls into Amanda's online honey trap. 

¡Dios mío! We're talking about SVU season 15 episode 6* October Surprise. Our guest is the winner of the These Are YOUR Stories contest Briley O'Connor.

This episode is inspired by the case of Anthony Weiner.

Note: Because of a two-part season 15 opener, some streaming services list this as episode 5.

L&O: Logan punches a homophobic politician and gets exiled

Law & Order S5 E23 “Pride”

“So you just punched a guy. If you weren’t a white cop in 1990s New York, I’d be worried.”

“So you just punched a guy. If you weren’t a white cop in 1990s New York, I’d be worried.”

A gay city councilman is gunned down. McCoy and Kincaid go after the victim's homophobic political rival, but when it looks like Councilman Crossley will get away with it, Logan socks him in the face and ruins his career.

We're talking about Law & Order season 5 episode 23 "Pride." Our guest is Kate Dawson from the podcast "Tenfold More Wicked."

This episode is inspired by the assassination of Harvey Milk. 

Hello, World!

L&O: Two wives kill each other's husbands and Briscoe retires

Law & Order S14 E24 “C.O.D.”

Jerry Orbach says goodbye to his co-stars who, aware of his failing health, are heart broken.

Jerry Orbach says goodbye to his co-stars who, aware of his failing health, are heart broken.

“Now I have to carry eleven years worth personal items home on the subway. Wish me luck.”

“Now I have to carry eleven years worth personal items home on the subway. Wish me luck.”

Her philandering deliveryman husband is murdered, but the gun Mrs. Byrne purchased was used to kill Mrs. Gardner's husband. Did the wives make a deadly deal? Meantime, Lenny Briscoe puts in his papers and retires from the 2-7.

We're offering a tribute to Jerry Orbach while discussing Law & Order season 14 episode 24 C.O.D.. Our guest is Lisa Strawn from the "Don't Talk To Strangers" podcast.

Plot points are inspired by the Alfred Hitchcock film "Strangers On a Train." 

SVU & OC: Stabler returns! Benson isn't thrilled!

SVU S22 E9 “Return of the Prodigal Son”/OC S1 E1 “What Happens in Puglia”

"Everyone’s going to be so excited to see me, my emotional unavailability, and my special brand of abusive policing.”

"Everyone’s going to be so excited to see me, my emotional unavailability, and my special brand of abusive policing.”

A car bomb kills Kathy Stabler while she and Elliot return from Italy to NYC. While SVU looks for who's behind the attack, Olivia works on her feelings about Elliot walking out of her life a decade ago.

Later, Stabler's organized crime task force zeroes in on a mob boss behind the bomb...but it's his son who's been pulling the strings all along.

We're doing a special episode covering the crossover event welcoming back Chris Meloni. We're talking about SVU season 22 episode 9 "Return of the Prodigal Son" and L&O: Organized Crime season 1 episode 1 "What Happens in Puglia." Our guest is Sonia Sells from the "Rewind the Love" podcast.

These episodes take plot points from the real life case of the ’Ndrangheta crime syndicate.

CI: Goren thinks the mysterious dying girl is fake

Criminal Intent S1 E21 “Faith”

The look Eames gives when Goren asks a teenaged girl about her period.

The look Eames gives when Goren asks a teenaged girl about her period.

Goren and Eames learn a murdered man had been spending money on an inspirational teen dying of ALS. Though despite her rabid fanbase and her best-selling book, no one has ever seen the girl face-to-face. Would someone kill to keep up the charade? 

We're talking about Criminal Intent season 1 episode 21 "Faith." Our guest is comedienne and podcaster Brandi Brown.

This episode takes cues from the case of Debbie Swenson.  

SVU: Mischa Barton lets Benson decide whether her baby lives or dies

SVU S11 E14 “Savior”

“This looks really expensive. I’ll have to find a way to stick Benson with this medical bill.”

“This looks really expensive. I’ll have to find a way to stick Benson with this medical bill.”

Benson and Stabler hunt a religious fanatic who's killing prostitutes. A pregnant call girl is their only witness, but before she can identify the suspect, her baby is born prematurely. As the severely disabled child clings to life, the mother gives power-of-attorney to Olivia who must decide her fate.

We're talking about SVU season 11 episode 14 "Savior." Our guest is Repy Hattersley from the "Hell and High Horror" podcast. 

A plot point for this episode is inspired by the sex scandal of former NY governor Eliot Spitzer. 

SVU: A.D.D. drugs turn Sarah Hyland into a killer

SVU S10 E12 “Hothouse”

“I’ve been taking pills and watching 26.2 hours of my favorite crime show…and I still have 22,149 hours to go!

“I’ve been taking pills and watching 26.2 hours of my favorite crime show…and I still have 22,149 hours to go!

Benson and Stabler think a teen plucked from the river is a Ukrainian sex slave, but learn she's actually a prep school mathematics champion with an abusive father. Attention turns to her class rival (played by Sarah Hyland) who's been awake for days on pills to help her study.  

We're talking about SVU season 10 episode 12 "Hothouse." Our special guest is TATS promotions director Lily Flynn.

Plot points for this episode come from the controversy around treatments for Attention Deficit Disorder in school children. 

L&O: Who'd kill to score a reality show? Jim Gaffigan or the Octomom?

Law & Order S20 E4 “Reality Bites”

I’m taking care of ten kids all by myself. Jail would be a vacation for me!

I’m taking care of ten kids all by myself. Jail would be a vacation for me!

The mother of ten adopted children with special needs is murdered. Lupo and Bernard find she was reluctant to star in the reality show her husband (played by Jim Gaffigan) wanted to do...and next in line is another mom of ten - including septuplets - determined to get the show. Later, Rubirosa gets burned by reality TV.

We're talking about Law & Order season 20 episode 4 Reality Bites.

Our guest is Tara Ariano from the Extra Hot Great podcast.

This episode takes some inspiration from the story of the so-called "Octomom," Nadya Sulema.

SVU: The one with Joe Biden and the perp based on Steven Avery

SVU S16 E2 “Making a Rapist”

I’m announcing the appointment of Olivia Benson as Secretary of Kicking Ass and Taking Names, bitch.

I’m announcing the appointment of Olivia Benson as Secretary of Kicking Ass and Taking Names, bitch.

Joe Biden visits the squad to praise SVU for their work - which includes exonerating a man Fin wrongfully arrested for rape 16 years ago. When he becomes the suspect in a new murder, is it possible all those years of hard time turned an innocent man into a killer? 

We're marking the peaceful transfer of power with SVU season 18 episode 2 "Making a Rapist." Our guest is actress and comedian Janet Varney of The JV Club podcast.

This episode is based on the real life case of Steven Avery.