L&O: Lorena Bobbitt, Son of Sam, a deadly burrito...and Michael Moriarty goes crazy

Law & Order S4 E17 “Mayhem”

Considering her crime, Logan’s lucky all that happened was getting hit with a frying pan.

Considering her crime, Logan’s lucky all that happened was getting hit with a frying pan.

In one day, the detectives investigate a murder on lover's lane, a deadly stick-up, a drug shooting, a cold case, and a woman who cuts off her husband's penis. Logan commits police brutality with a bagel and Briscoe just wants to get to the Knicks game. All of this because Michael Moriarty went crazy on the set. 

We're talking about the classic, format-breaking Law & Order season 4 episode 17 "Mayhem" with our guest Erin Fox.

One of the many ripped-from-the-headlines cases that inspired this episode is the story of Lorena Bobbitt. 

SVU: Cassidy goes undercover to nab cops raping drunk women

SVU S15 E4 “Internal Affairs”

“Just trying to work my way back in…to ‘Law & Order: SVU’! You dropped me from the show a decade ago for crying out loud!”

“Just trying to work my way back in…to ‘Law & Order: SVU’! You dropped me from the show a decade ago for crying out loud!”

Tucker convinces SVU to help bust cops raping the drunk women they escort home. Cassidy goes undercover to expose the sexual misconduct...and has to do things during the sting that strain his new relationship with Olivia.

We're talking about SVU season 15 episode 4* "Internal Affairs." Our guest is Nettie Smith from the Get Wasted on South of Nowhere podcast.

This episode is inspired by the real life case of NYPD officers Kenneth Moreno and Franklin Mata.

*Note: Due to a two-part season opener, some streaming services list this as episode 3.

L&O: A divorce attorney kills to win the case!

Law & Order S8 E16 “Divorce”

“Murdering lawyers? Don’t tempt me, McCoy.”

“Murdering lawyers? Don’t tempt me, McCoy.”

Briscoe and Curtis learn a marriage counselor may have been killed in a dispute over an annulment. The Kilpatricks hate each other, but not as much as their divorce attorneys hate each other. McCoy and Ross think Mrs. Kilpatrick's lawyer set her own client up for murder just to win the case.

We're talking about L&O season 8 episode 16 "Divorce." Our guest is RTÉ 2fm host Chris Greene. 

This episode takes cues from the annulment case of Congressman Joseph Kennedy. 

SVU: Who threw the hair drier in the bathtub?:

SVU S22 E2 “Ballad of Dwight and Irena”

“I can’t wait to take this mask off right before I talk really close to someone who just took off theirs.”

“I can’t wait to take this mask off right before I talk really close to someone who just took off theirs.”

We're doing a special quick-turnaround podcast on last week's episode of SVU! 

An abusive boyfriend is killed when a hair drier falls into his bathtub. Did his girlfriend or her son toss it in the water? Meantime, Fin deals with the legal fallout of last season's fatal shooting. Also, why is everyone wearing COVID masks, but taking them off to talk to people!!! 

We're talking about the super-spreader episode S22 E2 "Ballad of Dwight and Irena." Our returning guest is writer and podcaster Mary Phillips-Sandy.

This episode takes some cues from the issue of family violence during COVID lockdowns.

SVU: Fin and Olivia pose as a pimp and madam to find a sex slave

SVU S16 E15 “Undercover Mother”

Say what you want about this episode, Ice-T looks fucking good in a purple suit and a paisley shirt.

Say what you want about this episode, Ice-T looks fucking good in a purple suit and a paisley shirt.

A madam caught in a prostitution sting is really a mom looking for her daughter sold into sexual slavery. The whole squad goes undercover at a brothel - with Olivia posing as a madam and Fin as a pimp - to rescue the girl from Johnny D, Noah's father.

We're discussing SVU season 16 episode 15 "Undercover Mother." Our guest is Jamilah Lemieux from the Mom and Dad are Fighting podcast.

This episode is based on the real life story of Argentine activist Susana Trimarco.

L&O: Benson helps Briscoe find kidnapped Ellen Pompeo

Law & Order S10 E15 “Fools for Love”

“You know, if this cross-over stunt works, we might keep our show on the air for another 21…22 years.”

“You know, if this cross-over stunt works, we might keep our show on the air for another 21…22 years.”

With some help from SVU's Benson and Stabler, Briscoe and Green track a rape/murder suspect who may still be holding the victim's sister (Ellen Pompeo). But after McCoy offers her a deal to testify against the killer, he realizes she was a willing participant in his brutal crimes.

We're talking about the L&O/SVU crossover episode Law & Order season 10 episode 15 "Fools for Love." Our guest is Chris Klemmer from the "Quantum Week" podcast.

This episode is inspired by the case of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka.

SVU: Speed-dating rapist Dean Cain wants to pull his wife's feeding tube

SVU S7 E8 “Starved”

“Faster than a speeding bullet? Oh, you KNOW I am.”

“Faster than a speeding bullet? Oh, you KNOW I am.”

Benson & Stabler track a serial rapist to a speed-dating event. His new wife is the star witness against him, and when she slips into a coma after an overdose, he fights her mother for the power to remove her feeding tube. 

We're talking about SVU season 7 episode 8 "Starved." Our guest is Ronald Young Jr. from the Leaving the Theater podcast.

This episode is inspired by the case of Terri Schiavo.

SVU: The father locks the children up...except to go bowling

SVU s19 e20 “The Book of Esther”



SVU tries to help a malnourished girl on a train who'd been locked up with her eight siblings by her religious father. Amanda discovers the children only get to leave the home to go bowling, and her actions lead to a deadly shootout. 

We're talking about SVU season 19 episode 20 "The Book of Esther." Our guest is the actress who played Esther in this episode, Rebekah Kennedy.

This episode is based on the ripped-from-the-headlines story of the Turpin family.

L&O: Cynthia Nixon is a subway vigilante!

Law & Order S1 E2 “Subterranean Homeboy Blues”

I’m sorry. Did you say something about “Miranda”?

I’m sorry. Did you say something about “Miranda”?

Celebrating Law & Order's 30th anniversary!

Greevey & Logan investigate gunfire on a crowded subway train. A white woman says she shot two Black teens because they were trying to rape her. But Stone & Robinette learn the woman had been attacked before and believe this time she was the one looking for trouble.

We're going back to where this whole damn thing began. We're discussing Law & Order season 1 episode 2 "Subterranean Homeboy Blues." Our guest is Mark Blankenship from the "Mark and Sarah Talk About Songs" podcast.

This episode is based on the 1984 subway shooting by Bernard Goetz.

Is it time to "cancel" Law & Order?

Season 4 review

It’s 2020. How you like us now?

It’s 2020. How you like us now?

Before we begin season five of "These Are Their Stories," here's a look back at the best moments, Hey It's That Guys, and Ripped from the Headlines from the past year. We'll hear from past guests Steven Pappas, Katie Mitchel, Issac Butler, Lani Diane Rich, Lawrence Tucker, Lauren Milberger, Katie Mitchel, Tracey Furgeson, Diana Goodman, Nick Cappodice, Carolyn Paine, Mary Philips-Sandy, Kelly Jones, Aviv Rubenstein, and Si Frater.

Then, among criticism that cop shows have had a detrimental effect on the public's tolerance for police misconduct, we talk with Georgetown professor and L&O superfan Marcia Chatelain about whether it's time to "cancel" Law & Order, et al.

SVU: Hilary Duff didn't kill that baby! Measles did!

SVU s10 E19 “Selfish”

Just cuz I buried my daughter in a lot and then partied all weekend after doesn’t mean I’m a bad mother.  CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE!

Just cuz I buried my daughter in a lot and then partied all weekend after doesn’t mean I’m a bad mother. CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE!

Baby Sierra is missing and her young mom is off partying. Yes, she buried the girl's body in an abandoned lot, but Olivia and Elliot don't arrest her. Instead they bust the anti-vaxxing mom whose kid gave Sierra measles and charge her with murder.

We're looking at a classic SVU, season 10 episode 19 "Selfish." Our guest is Anita Flores from "I'm Listening: A Frasier podcast."

This episode is inspired by the murder of Caylee Anthony. 

SVU: He's making CLONE BABIES!

SVU S4 E24 “Perfect”

“You’re wearing masks to prevent the spread of germs! How very 2020 of you.”

“You’re wearing masks to prevent the spread of germs! How very 2020 of you.”

A girl shot in an alley leads Benson and Stabler to creepy Dr. Lang's school, where all the students were thought to be missing or kidnapped. What's he need all these teens for? He's fertilizing them with the clones of rich parents' dead kids. 

We're talking about SVU season 4 episode 24 "Perfect." Our guest is Jaimie Beebe from the Strictly Stalking podcast. 

This episode takes plot points from the death of Lisa McPherson.

L&O Did he use 9/11 as cover for his lover’s murder?

Law & Order s13 e5 “The Ring”

“Things might look bad now, but you’re going to win an Oscar in 15 years and I’ll just be on ‘The Newsroom.’”

“Things might look bad now, but you’re going to win an Oscar in 15 years and I’ll just be on ‘The Newsroom.’”

Kelly supposedly died on 9/11, but her skeleton is discovered in Midtown. Did the son of a powerful politician kill his lover on September tenth, cut off her hand, leave it at Ground Zero, then bury the body somewhere else to save his marriage? Serena's got this one in the bag.

For our 100th EPISODE OF THESE ARE THEIR STORIES we're talking about Law & Order season 13 episode 5 "The Ring." Our special guest is the author of Shadow and Bone (soon to be a Netflix series) Leigh Bardugo. 

The episode is based on the ripped-from-the-headlines story of Sneha Anne Philip.

CI: Who threw the violinist down the opera house air shaft?

Criminal Intent S5 E16 Dramma Giocosa

I’m going to do that thing where I pretend to not violate on the Constitutional rights of the defendant and you’re going to do the 2006 thing and pretend not to care.

I’m going to do that thing where I pretend to not violate on the Constitutional rights of the defendant and you’re going to do the 2006 thing and pretend not to care.

Who killed the young musician by tossing her from the roof at intermission? Her lover, the temperamental conductor? Her mother, the prima donna opera singer? Logan and Barek have to deal with false teeth, cocaine-covered costumes, and Mad Cow Disease to solve the crime.

We're looking at Criminal Intent season 5 episode 16 Dramma Giacosa.

Our returning guest is Sarah D. Bunting from The Blotter Presents podcast.

This episode is inspired by the ripped-from-the-headlines crime known as "The Murder at the Met."

L&O: The only way to get him back from Israel is prove he's Irish

Law & Order S11 E5 “Return”

“You want us goyim to do what? Oy vey!”

“You want us goyim to do what? Oy vey!”

Detectives learn a Jewish man paid to have his father's business partner killed, but when Briscoe and Green go to arrest him they learn he's fled to Israel. The Law of Return protects him from extradition, so Carmichael pleads her case in Rabbinical court in an effort to prove he's actually Irish. A shonda!

We're not completely comfortable with Law & Order season 11 episode 5 "Return." Our guest is Michal Schick of the Nice Jewish Fangirls podcast.

This episode is based on the ripped-from-the-headlines case of Samuel Sheinbein.

SVU: A child dies of neglect! Arrest the caseworkers!

SVU S17 E4 “Institutional Fail”

“You think I’m impressed with your Tony Award, Esparza? When you win an Oscar, a Grammy, and an Emmy too, look me up.”

“You think I’m impressed with your Tony Award, Esparza? When you win an Oscar, a Grammy, and an Emmy too, look me up.”

A child dies after her mother locks her in a cage. Why didn't the Department of Child Services know what was going on? Convinced of a cover-up, Benson gets Barba to charge the caseworkers (including Whoopi Goldberg) with manslaughter. 

We're talking about SVU season 17 episode 4* "Institutional Fail."

Our special guest is Nigel Poor from the Ear Hustle podcast. This story is inspired by the ripped-from-the-headlines case of Nixzmary Brown.

*Note: because of the two-part season 17 opener, some streaming services list this as episode 3.

SVU: The suspect says he got his mistress pregnant from a handy

SVU S14 E7 “Vanity’s Bonfire”

“I walked in and the stalker who had my baby is dead on the floor. I’m just as surprised as you.”

“I walked in and the stalker who had my baby is dead on the floor. I’m just as surprised as you.”

The crazy playground lady steals a baby. Turns out she was its biological mother. Is the father a married man and prominent legal scholar? He says there was only one way it could have happened...

This is a classic podcast episode about a classic SVU episode. We're talking about SVU season 14 episode 7 "Vanity's Bonfire." Our guest is Sarah D. Bunting.

This episode is inspired by the sex scandal of presidential candidate John Edwards.

This podcast episode originally aired in October 2016.

UK: There's a Law & Order series in the UK?

Law & Order: UK S1 E4 “Unsafe”

“We’re the British Briscoe and Logan. Guess which is which.”

“We’re the British Briscoe and Logan. Guess which is which.”

The discovery of a body casts doubts about the guilt of the man serving time for the murder. With his conviction overturned, he's now out for the prosecutor who put him behind bars in the first place. 

In this special podcast, we're looking at Law & Order:UK, season 1 episode 4 "Unsafe." The British episodes are based on original recipe scripts; this one mirrors L&O season 4 episode 8 "American Dream." 

Our guest is Ana Anderson from the Crime by the Bar podcast. The ripped-from-the-headlines case that inspired both episodes is the Billionaire Boys Club. 

SVU: They arrest a guy with an eye-patch for spreading HIV

SVU S11 E11 “Quickie”

“Blasted in the face with acid because I intentionally gave women HIV? I’m going to have to update my FaceUnion profile pic.”

“Blasted in the face with acid because I intentionally gave women HIV? I’m going to have to update my FaceUnion profile pic.”

Benson and Stabler cross paths with an HIV-positive man who's infecting women on purpose. He's cleared in a murder case and cleared in a rape, so instead the elite squad charge him with spreading the disease.

We're talking about SVU season 11 episode 11 "Quickie." Our guest is Brandie Posey from the Lady to Lady podcast. 

This episode is inspired by the real-life case of Nushawn Williams. 

L&O: an Abu Ghraib guard is murdered and Fontana joins the squad

Law & Order S15 E1 “Paradigm”

“Nice to meet you. I was about to say something racially insensitive. You guys okay with that?”

“Nice to meet you. I was about to say something racially insensitive. You guys okay with that?”

Green and Van Buren aren't sure what to make of Briscoe's replacement, Joe Fontana. On their first case, a reservist who'd been a guard at Abu Ghraib is murdered and their suspect declares herself a prisoner of war. 

We're looking back at a milestone episode, Law & Order season 15 episode 1 "Paradigm." Our guest is Tracey Ferguson from the Docs That Rock podcast.

(Spoiler: Tracey played the victim in this episode.)

The show takes cues from the prisoner abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib prison.