SVU: The kidnapped girl will die in three days

SVU S2 E15 “Countdown”

“Someone stuffed the landlady in the closet. Phew…at least it wasn’t a little kid.”

“Someone stuffed the landlady in the closet. Phew…at least it wasn’t a little kid.”

The squad works around the clock to find a girl snatched by a kidnapper who kills his victims on the third day. And the long hours are making everybody tired and cranky (no, you may not use Fin’s eyedrops).

We’re looking at SVU season 2 episode 15 “Countdown.”

Our guest is Carolyn Paine from the Big Little podcast.

This episode was inspired by the real-life case of Robert Black.

SVU: The rapist says porn made him do it

SVU S10 E10 “Smut”

“Of course I like looking at naked ladies. What am I, a robot?”

“Of course I like looking at naked ladies. What am I, a robot?”

Kelly can’t remember being raped. Fortunately Eric videotapes himself assaulting all his victims. His defense: he’s addicted to porn and the cross-examination boner proves it. (Plus there's dolphin porn!)

We’re talking about SVU season 10 episode 10 Smut with Repy Hattersley from the Hell and High Horror podcast live at PodX in Nashville.

This episode was inspired by the ripped-from-the-headlines story of Andrew Luster.

SVU: A diplomat rapes a hotel maid and Stabler quits

SVU S13 E1 “Scorched Earth”

“I can’t believe I have to do this crazy-ass show by myself now.”

“I can’t believe I have to do this crazy-ass show by myself now.”

Benson and newbie Rollins investigate a suave Italian diplomat who raped a chambermaid, but their victim has serious credibility issues. Then Olivia learns her BFF Stabler is quitting the force.

We’re turning the page on SVU in season 13 episode 1 “Scorched Earth.” We’re joined by Stuart Rice from the Sketch Comedy Podcast.

 This episode is inspired by the case of French diplomat Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

L&O: Someone stole that guy's kidney!

Law & Order s1 e21 “SONATA for Solo Organ”

“I just lost 0.327 pounds! Ask me how!”

“I just lost 0.327 pounds! Ask me how!”

They didn't just pick his pocket. This guy wound up in Central Park with his kidney stolen. Logan and Greavey find the doctor, but Stone and Robinette want the billionaire who paid him to do it. We're going old school Law & Order with season 1 episode 21 "Sonata for Solo Organ."

Our guest is Dan Taberski from the Headlong podcasts "Missing Richard Simmons" and "Running from COPS."

The TV episode was inspired by the 1989 organ scandal involving Amhet Koc.

L&O: John Slattery puts a woman in a coma to steal her money

Law & Order S10 E23 “Stiff”

“Lawyer? What I need is a booze-soaked advertising agency. That’s what I need.”

“Lawyer? What I need is a booze-soaked advertising agency. That’s what I need.”

How did rich Mrs. Moore wind up in an insulin-induced coma? A sex game called “necrophilia without tears.” McCoy and Carmichael find out the insulin was spiked with a drug that has left her “frozen.” Is the doctor who wants her money to blame?

We’re talking about Law and Order season 10 episode 23 Stiff. Our guest is Dr. Kelly Jones from the Still Pretty and Awegasm podcast.

 This episode is inspired by the case of Claus and Sunny von Bülow.

SVU: Was Amaro inappropriate with that hot mess actress?

SVU S16 E3 “Producer’s Backend”

[Actual dialog]

Amaro: Hands on the hood!

Tensley: How about the shaft?

After a washed-up teen star accuses Amaro of coming on to her, the squad discovers a powerful Hollywood producer has been abusing underage actresses for years.

We’re talking about Special Victims Unit season 16 episode 3 “Producer’s Backend.”

Our guest is Matt Reuter from the podcast Law & Order: Special Viewers Unit.

This episode is inspired by the sex accusations against director Bryan Singer.

SVU: The victim's false memory leads to her father's murder

SVU S3 E1 “Repression”

Daddy's dead, one sister accused him of rape, another one shot him. This isn't my idea of a "Modern Family."

Daddy's dead, one sister accused him of rape, another one shot him. This isn't my idea of a "Modern Family."

A woman's recovered memory of her father's abuse rips her family apart and leads to a frame-up. But when the father is murdered, Benson and Stabler learn the memory was false all along!  

We're talking about SVU season 3 episode 1 "Repression" with Kimberly from the podcast A Date with Dateline.

Some inspiration for this episode comes from the real life case of Cheryl Pierson.

SVU: A fake child sex ring leads to a real child sex ring

SVU S18 E17 “Real Fake News”

“Oh, no! This child prostitution ring is particularly heinous. If only there were an elite squad to investigate these felonies.”

“Oh, no! This child prostitution ring is particularly heinous. If only there were an elite squad to investigate these felonies.”

A fake news story links a congressman to a sex ring run out of a Chinese restaurant. No sooner does SVU debunk the rumor then they stumble across a real child sex ring on the Internet. And once again Noah is...IN DANGER!

Join us, snowflakes. We’re talking about SVU season 18 episode 17 “Real Fake News.” Our guest is Jessa Nicholson Goetz from the Getting Off Podcast.

This episode is inspired by the ripped from the headlines controversy around Pizzagate.

L&O: Ellen Pompeo kills her mother because she doesn't like her boyfriend

Law & Order S6 E16 “Savoir”

“You’re going to charge me with murder? Seriously? Seriously?!”

“You’re going to charge me with murder? Seriously? Seriously?!”

Mom and son killed, daughter shot, Olivet says dad could be a "family annihilator." But when she changes her diagnosis, it looks like before-she-was-famous Ellen Pompeo orchestrated the whole thing. Plus, Briscoe eats a baked potato covered in peanut butter.

We're talking about L&O original recipe season 6 episode 16 "Savoir." Our guest is podcaster and sports journalist Sonja Missio.

This episode takes some plot points from the case of John List.

SVU: Robin Williams is basically a super villain

SVU S9 E17 “Authority”

I can’t wait for the public radio podcast about my crime spree.

I can’t wait for the public radio podcast about my crime spree.

In SVU's 200th episode, Robin Williams scams a burger manager to strip search an employee, defends himself at trial, appears on Morning Joe with a sheep named Elliot, organizes a Grand Central Station flash mob, kidnaps Benson and threatens Stabler to administer electrical shocks, blows up a recording studio, then disappears in the East River while still handcuffed.

We're talking about SVU season 9 episode 17 “Authority” with Michelle Rubenstein from the It Takes Three podcast network.

This episode was inspired by a 2004 phone scam at a Kentucky McDonalds.

SVU: The State of the Unit Address

How you like us now?

How you like us now?

We're declaring a national emergency. Halfway through season 20, we hear from listeners and past guests about what's working and what isn't on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.

Then we'll ask the question: should SVU be renewed for a 21st season?

We'll hear from Rebecca Lavoie, Vaya Pashos, Margo Donohue, Henry Lavoie, Kimberly, and Sarah D. Bunting, plus Kevin Flynn will give the State of the Unit Address.  

SVU: Benson goes into virtual reality to rescue Vixy Platinum by turning on the sun

SVU S9 E2 “Avatar”

We have to find who kidnapped this avatar. Bring in Donkey Kong for questioning.

We have to find who kidnapped this avatar. Bring in Donkey Kong for questioning.

How do you find a vanished woman whose online avatar is teen stripper Vixy Platinum? Go INTO the game and locate the kidnapper's virtual cabin by making the sun come out at night. Also there's a sleepwalking rapist and a girl who's been missing for 25 years and still carries a torch for her pedophile kidnapper. 

We turn the bat-shit-crazy to 11 with Sarah D. Bunting as we talk about Special Victims Unit season 9 episode 2 "Avatar."

The story takes plot points from the online world of Second Life. 

L&O: Lawyer Sandy Duncan sells out her client

Law & Order S6 E6 “Paranoia”

I’ve got my eye on you, McCoy.

I’ve got my eye on you, McCoy.

A co-ed is found dead in her dorm. The computer geek with the rape-and-murder fantasies and a pair of the victim's panties seems like a good suspect, but Briscoe and Curtis home in on her paranoid roommate. Instead of homicide, McCoy and Kincaid charge her with fraud for lying on her college application. Thank goodness her lawyer Sandy Duncan is willing the throw the case. (So long Sixth Amendment!)

We're talking about original recipe season 6 episode 6 "Paranoia" with Lawrence Tucker of the Awesome 80s podcast.

This episode was inspired by the ripped from the headlines story of Gina Grant. 

CI: Goren meets his nemesis Nicole Wallace

Criminal Intent S2 E3 “Anti-thesis”

Whatever you do, if you’re at a bar on trivia night and you see these two, find a way to get on their team.

Whatever you do, if you’re at a bar on trivia night and you see these two, find a way to get on their team.

The Hudson University president is murdered, but who convinced the grad student to do the deed? The answer is Goren’s new nemesis: Nicole Wallace!

We’re talking about Criminal Intent season 2 episode 3 “Anti-Thesis.”

We’re joined by returning guest, from Undisclosed and the Office Hours podcasts, Dr. Marcia Chatelain.

This episode takes some of its cues from the real-life squabble between Harvard President Larry Summers and Dr. Cornel West.

SVU: Stone is accused of rape

SVU S20 E9 “Mea Culpa”

“Is she standing right behind me? She’s standing right behind me, isn’t she?”

“Is she standing right behind me? She’s standing right behind me, isn’t she?”

Hard-drinking, hard-loving ADA Peter Stone is accused by a woman of raping her 12 years ago, an assault he has no memory of. No one in the SVU squad wants to believe it…and maybe that’s the bigger problem.

We’re talking about SVU season 20 episode 9 Mea Culpa. We’re joined by three-time guest (and TATS Triple Crown winner) Lani Diane Rich of Chipperish Media.

This episode is inspired by the sexual assault accusation against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

SVU: Rooney Mara beats up fat people

SVU S7 E20 “Fat”

Rooney Mara later said her guest appearance on SVU was “awful and stupid” in a clear attempt to win friends and influence people.

Rooney Mara later said her guest appearance on SVU was “awful and stupid” in a clear attempt to win friends and influence people.

Why did two fat kids beat up little Rooney Mara? Because she beat up their fat brother. Why did she beat up their fat brother? Because she used to be fat herself. (Wait, WTF?) Also, Anthony Anderson appears - not as L&O's Bernard - but as Stabler's hot-headed temporary partner.

We’re talking about SVU season 7 episode 20 “Fat.” Our guest is Jason Alme from the Shit Happens When you Party Naked podcast.

This episode is inspired by two teens who sued McDonalds for making them obese. 

SVU: an orphan sets Dani Beck’s apartment on fire

SVU s8 e8 “Cage”

Dani: If I let you into my home do you promise not to burn it down while I’m asleep?Girl: I promise nothing.

Dani: If I let you into my home do you promise not to burn it down while I’m asleep?

Girl: I promise nothing.

A shady adoption agency! A child smothered during “rebirthing” therapy! Foster kids kept in cages! Elliot gets stabbed with a pen! And 8-year-old Elle Fanning attempts a murder-suicide by setting fire to the apartment of Elliot's wannabe lover Dani Beck!

We’re looking at SVU season 8 episode 8 “Cage.” We’re joined by returning guest Vaya Pashos from the Buddywatch podcast.

This episode is inspired by the rebirthing death of Candace Newmaker.

L&O: A crazy guy kills Ty Burrell's ex-wife on the subway

L&O S11 E2 “Turnstile Justice”

Before he was famous Ty Burrell didn’t know what to do with his hair.

Before he was famous Ty Burrell didn’t know what to do with his hair.

A crazy man bashes in a woman's head on the subway. McCoy isn't satisfied putting the lunatic in jail. He also charges the health insurance executive who kept him from getting his medicine in the first place.

This time we're looking at Law & Order season 11 episode 2 "Turnstile Justice." Our guest is Lara Bricker from "Crime Writers On."

This story is based on the 1999 killing of Kendra Webdale.

SVU: John Ritter rips the baby right outta his cheatin' wife's belly

SVU S3 E11 “Monogamy”

“I can’t believe I’m going to win an Emmy for this.”

“I can’t believe I’m going to win an Emmy for this.”

When someone attacks a pregnant woman and cuts the baby out of her stomach - instead of focusing on arrogant neat-freak husband John Ritter - Elliot has to make it ALL ABOUT HIM. Boo freakin' hoo.

We're talking about SVU S3 E11 "Monogamy." Our guest is Rebecca's best friend Molly McKean, Esq.

(For photos of Molly's chickens and other things, follow her on Instagram at Coldakitty.) The ripped-from-the-headlines story is the murder of expectant mother Bobbie Jo Stinnett.

L&O: Joe Piscopo helps Gary Busey kill his wife

L&O S12 E6 “Formerly Famous”

No offense Gary Busey, but this is not helping your image that you’re not crazy.

No offense Gary Busey, but this is not helping your image that you’re not crazy.

She’s a grifter.  He’s a washed-up celebrity. She wound up dead on the sidewalk. Who did it? Well, Gary Busey appears in the first 30 seconds of this episode, so you tell us.

We’re looking at a classic Law & Order, season 12 episode 6 “Formerly Famous.” Our guest is John Davenport from the Hollywood Outsider podcast.

This episode was based on the murder trial of Robert Blake.