SVU S12 E22 Bang
“Coerce women into having sex with me? I’m John Stamos. Even YOU would have sex with me.”
An abandoned baby leads Benson and Stabler to a career woman (Lori Singer) who may have received the child in an illegal adoption. But it's the woman's lawyer/fiancé (John Stamos) who draws scrutiny. Ken Turner has fathered more than 40 children, all of them conceived after his condoms suspiciously broke. Olivia accuses him of being a "reproductive abuser," tricking women into having his babies.
Though Turner's done nothing illegal, the squad calls in an expert to build a case against him. But police find Turner's body blown up from the inside out. The killer says she didn't know the special scuba diving knife she stabbed him with was filled with compressed CO2.
We're talking about Special Victims Unit season 12 episode 22 "Bang." Our guest is Gillian Pensavalle from the True Crime Obsessed podcast. This episode is based on a clinical study into "reproductive coercion" and the story of British baby daddy Keith Macdonald.
Note: this episode was originally released June 7, 2017.